Best carbide masonry bits
Best carbide masonry bits

best carbide masonry bits

Drill Faster and Easier With Diablo’s Stepped Bits.


If, in the course of the same job, you need to punch a hole in masonry, just pop the drill bit out of your impact driver and chuck it into your hammer drill. There are better and faster ways to drill steel, and even wood, but you’ll find that an impact driver works well with these bits to make small-diameter holes in thin material. You can use them to make holes wood of any thickness, but I’ve found them to be not particularly effective in thick steel I limit their use to light-gauge metal, no more than approximately 3⁄16-inch thick.

best carbide masonry bits

Keep in mind that these bits are jacks of all trades but masters of none they allow you to switch quickly between drilling in a variety of materials and driving fasteners in those same materials.

best carbide masonry bits

Chuck these multi-material bits into a hammer drill instead to make a hole in brick, concrete, concrete block, mortar, or stone. Note: Don’t use your impact driver to make holes in masonry, which could burn it out. To use them in a drill driver, you tighten the chuck on them as you would a bit with a round shank. To use them in an impact driver, you insert them as you would any other hex shank bit. I employ them in my hammer drill but also in my impact driver. I own a set of them and find them indispensable for making holes in wood, concrete, brick, and mortar. One example is the MP500 bits from Bosch. They are most commonly used to drill in wood and masonry. There are multi-material bits that can drill in all common construction materials except for glass.

Best carbide masonry bits